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  • Writer's pictureJahnavi Shah

Project 1 - Ideas

My team and I brainstormed ideas for our very first blog. We’re all based in different parts of the world but we still wanted to create some sort or a conceptual synergy between our work, if not a physical one. From PIR’s to gesture detectors, we want to use a variety of sensors to create sound + visual outputs. I am interested in seeing how motion can produce sound that is dynamic and reactive to hand movements. It would also be very interesting to see the output the same hand movements creates in a visual project. An audio - video installation is our output but we hope to experiment with different inputs. The configuration in which we present our individual projects can create an interesting project collectively. I also think it would be great to understand the difference in outputs created by diverse ways of execution.

I want to take the principles used in creating PIR security alarms and apply it to a musical output. I’m still looking at ways to make it work but would be amazing if I am able to create such an output in terms of either sound or light.

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